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BugStop™  Lambda Cyhalothrin WP


What is BugStop™ Lambda Cyhalothrin?

BugStop™ Lambda Cyhalothrin is a broad-spectrum insecticide for the control of mosquitoes both malaria transmitters and nuisance types. The product is a synthetic pyrethroid consisting of 100 grams of Lambda Cyhalothrin and 900 grams of inert ingredients in every kilogram of this product.


It is a broad-spectrum insecticide for the control of mosquitoes both MALARIA transmitters and nuisance types. BugStop™ Lambda Cyhalothrin controls cockroaches and many other household pests like flies, bedbugs, fleas, etc. It can be used for indoor control.


Tear the external sachet and drop the soluble pack of insecticide into 10 litres of water in sprayer.
Close sprayer and shake to mix thoroughly, and pressurise.
The formulation application rate at 25 to 30mg per square meter will cover approximately 200m² per sachet.

•    Harmful if swallowed, seek urgent medical attention
•    Avoid contact with skin and eyes
•    Wear full personal protection equipment (PPE)
•    Do not eat or drink while applying
•    Keep out of reach of children


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